
Survey and clearance of explosive hazards (EOD)

Specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works will conduct a full range of activities to inspect and clear the territory (demining) of explosive hazards (EOD), the removal of found objects, their destruction in strict accordance with the legislation and the subsequent coordination of documents in the relevant authorities.


The work to survey the area for explosive hazards (EOD) is carried out to prepare mined areas during the design and initial stages of construction, and is carried out on the basis of:

  • Federal Law of December 21, 1994 № 68-FZ “On protection of population and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made character,”
  • Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 № 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities
  • Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation
  • Federal Law No. 150-FZ of December 13, 1996 “On Weapons
  • Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2003 № 794 “On the unified state system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations”;
  • “Regulations on the cleaning of land (objects) from explosive objects,” enacted by Order № 1200 of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation on July 27, 2010;
  • “Instruction on clearing the area from explosive objects,” approved by the Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters on February 1, 2016;
  • “Methodological recommendations for the executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation of the North-West Federal District, local authorities and organizations, enterprises and institutions specializing in the performance of work on clearing the area from explosive objects, on the order of organization and performance of work and clearing the area from explosive objects and quality control of their performance in the North-West Federal District”, approved by the decision of the interdepartmental commission under the plenipotentiary representative
  • Reg Order of the Governor of the Leningrad Region of April 07, 1999, No. 165-Rg “On the organization of work to locate, neutralize, remove and destroy explosive hazards in the territory of the Leningrad Region”
  • International technical standards for humanitarian demining operations IMAS.

The Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works is ready to carry out demining operations in the shortest possible time and with strict observance of all safety measures. Quality control of the work is carried out throughout all phases of humanitarian demining, to ensure that the services provided comply with established requirements and standards of mine action.

Stages of survey and mine clearance

Initially, a group of specialists goes to the site, conducts an initial inspection of the territory and reconnaissance, followed by a breakdown into sectors by reference points. Then a visual inspection of the surface is carried out, technological pits, rubble and remnants of structures are studied. If any explosive ordnance or similar items are discovered, an engineering and sapper team is called in to carry out the work of clearing the ordnance.

If the initial inspection of the area has not shown the presence of explosive objects, the specialists proceed to the second stage – the examination of the soil layer. To do this they drill boreholes that are usually 1-2 m deeper than the geological survey boreholes. After excavation they are filled with magnetometers, metal detectors and GPR sensors. The former enable the presence of hidden metal objects in the rock, while the latter provide an accurate picture of the underground structure.

The use of geosounding is absolutely safe, since it excludes the accidental detonation of detonators. At the same time this method makes it possible to obtain a precise scheme of the location of soil layers with the distribution of metallic and non-metallic objects within it, as well as unstable areas. All of them are displayed on the device screen and highlighted with a different color gradient.

Explosive hazard classes

If in the course of work in the surveyed area VOP were found, their external inspection and categorization is carried out. The items found may be assigned to one of 3 hazard classes:

  • first-degree (low-hazard) – aircraft bombs (including cluster bombs) without detonators, projectiles without traces of passage through the barrel, grenades of all types with a pin and engineering charges;
  • Second-degree (dangerous) grenades without cotter pin, projectiles fired from guns (unexploded), bombs with fuses, land mines and improvised ammunition;
  • third-degree (very dangerous) – items mounted on the principle of non-extraction, projectiles and bombs in an inaccessible position for deactivation, improvised devices equipped with magnetic, seismic and acoustic detonators. Elimination of munitions of this type is, as a rule, carried out on the spot.

Formation of the act of inspection of the territory

The document is drawn up by the contractor on the basis of the terms of reference and baseline data for the work. The act shall be drawn up after the explosive objects have been cleared (including in case of their destruction) or after the survey is completed (if there were no explosive objects). The completed document is approved by all relevant authorities.

Preliminary cost of work to clear the area of VOP

Area: Cost:
Per 1 Hectare From 10 000 rubles
Per 10 Hectare From 90 000 rubles
Per 100 Hectare From 850 000 rubles
* For exact information please go to cost, or contact by phone listed on the site, e-mail, leave a request for a callback.

Performed work on sites

2nd QUARTER OF 2024

; 2nd quarter 2024 In the period from April to June, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works conducted a survey of the area for the presence of explosive objects

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1st QUARTER OF 2024

; 1st quarter 2024 In the period from January to March, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works conducted a survey of the area for the presence of explosive objects

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3 QUARTER 2023

; Q3 2023 In the period from July to September 2023, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works conducted a survey of the area for the presence of explosive objects

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2 QUARTER 2023

; Q2 2023 In the period from April to June 2023, specialists from the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works surveyed the area for the presence of explosive ordnance (EO) as part

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1 QUARTER 2023

; Q1 2023 In the period from January to March 2023, specialists from the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works surveyed the area for the presence of explosive ordnance (ED) as part

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4 QUARTER 2022

; Q4 2022 In the period from October to December 2022, specialists from the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works surveyed the area for the presence of explosive ordnance (EO) as part

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3 QUARTER 2022

; Q3 2022 In the period from July to September 2022, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works carried out an explosive ordnance survey (EOD) as part of the implementation

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2 QUARTER 2022

; Q2 2022 In the period from April to June 2022, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works made a survey of the territory for the presence of explosive hazards

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1 QUARTER 2022

; Q1 2022. In the period from January to March 2022, specialists from the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works surveyed the area for the presence of explosive ordnance (EO) as part

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4 QUARTER 2021

; Q4 2021. In the period from October to December 2021, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works made a survey of the territory for the presence of explosive hazards

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3 QUARTER 2021

; Q3 2021. In the period from July to September 2021, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works carried out a survey of the area for the presence of explosive

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2 QUARTER 2021

; Q2 2021.​ In the period from April to June 2021, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works made a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) in the

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1 QUARTER 2021

; Q1 2021.​ In the period from January to March 2021 specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works made a survey of the territory for the presence of explosive hazards

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4 QUARTER 2020

; Q4 2020.​ In the period from October to December 2020 specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works made a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) in the

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3 QUARTER 2020

; Q3 2020. In the period from July to September 2020, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works carried out a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) in

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2 QUARTER 2020

; Q2 2020.​ In the period from April to June 2020, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works carried out a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) in

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1 QUARTER 2020

; Q1 2020. In the period from January to March 2020, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works carried out a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) as

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4 QUARTER 2019

; Q4 2019. During the period from October to December 2019, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works made a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) as part

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3 QUARTER 2019

; Q3 2019. During the period from July to September 2019, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works made a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) in the

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2 QUARTER 2019

; Q2 2019. During the period from April to June 2019, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works carried out a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) as

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1 QUARTER 2019

; Q1 2019. During the period from January to March 2019, specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works conducted a survey of the area for explosive ordnance (EOD) as part

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Our equipment

Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works has all necessary licenses, permits and authorizations, as well as modern equipment and machinery for a full range of search, removal and destruction of HE. During the period of our activity we have successfully fulfilled a large number of state and commercial contracts. Our production capacities allow us to carry out our work throughout the Russian Federation and beyond.

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