
About company

“Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works” – a well-coordinated team of professionals with a high level of training, extensive experience and relevant qualifications.

Our experience

For the period of our activity we successfully carried out a large number of state and commercial contracts. Our production capacity allows us to perform our work throughout the Russian Federation and beyond.


Our company is equipped with all the necessary modern equipment, machinery and specialized vehicles to meet the challenges.

О нас

Compliance with standards

The company operates in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, IMAS, has Rostechnadzor certificates for general requirements of industrial safety, labor protection, fire safety, blasting works, management of blasting operations, driving vehicles carrying dangerous goods (ADR), Single Blaster Booklet, license to handle explosive materials for industrial use, is a member of SRO with the right to perform engineering surveys having impact on the security of buildings and constructions. The company has developed and implemented a health and safety management system (HSMS).


Some of our main customers are road, bridge and railway companies, other companies for the construction of industrial and commercial objects, design and survey companies, organizations of the oil and gas industry, state and local authorities, as well as companies within the Ministry of Defense.

О нас

Our principles

The basic principles of our company are strict compliance with the requirements of national and international standards, high quality of work, occupational health and safety, employee safety and environmental protection. Technical supervision and quality management throughout the entire work process. We carry out our work in accordance with current legislation, quality standards, within the agreed deadlines and at affordable prices.

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