The results of the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2023" have been summed up - Demining
Center for Humanitarian Demining
and Special Works

The results of the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2023" have been summed up

August 22, 2023

The Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works company took an active part in the international exhibition from August 14 to 20.

A number of problems and ways to solve them within the framework of humanitarian demining were also discussed with representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies. Our specialists have conducted expert advice on global problems in the field of cleaning the area from explosive objects.

The Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works company thanks the organizers The INTERNATIONAL MILITARY-TECHNICAL FORUM “ARMY-2023” for the high level of organization. Such events contribute to the development of fruitful work and mutually beneficial cooperation!

Professional help
Specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works, on a contractual and tender basis, conduct a survey and cleaning of the territories intended for the construction of facilities for any purpose. Find out more about the services we provide.

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