Expert’s comment:
The occupation of the city by German troops, which lasted from August 15, 1941 to January 20, 1944, was accompanied by various battles with all kinds of ammunition. There were bombardments of Novgorod by German aviation. Partisan brigades acted in the rear of the enemy. The first attempt of liberation of Novgorod was undertaken soon after breaking the siege of Leningrad by the Soviet troops in January 1943 during the operation “Spark”. Almost a year later, in January 1944, during the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic operation to break the siege of Leningrad the Soviet troops carried out the Novgorod-Luga offensive. The main blow near Novgorod was delivered by the troops of the 59th Army of the Volkhov Front from the bridgehead on the Volkhov River, 30 kilometers north of Novgorod.
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