
Survey of the territory of the archaeological UNESCO World Heritage Site "Zalavrugi Petroglyphs" in the Republic of Karelia

25 July, 2021
The personnel of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works took part in the survey of the territory for the presence of explosive objects (HOP), their subsequent removal and destruction in order to implement the state contract for the design and survey work and construction of the facility “Creation of the Visit Center museum “Belomorskiye petroglyphs” on the territory of the Republic of Karelia in the Belomorsky region.

The archaeological monument “Petroglyphs of Zalavruga” was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

“Now, after the inclusion of Karelian petroglyphs in the World Heritage List, our rock paintings have officially become world-class monuments and will attract more and more interest. Therefore, we will now work in close contact with UNESCO experts. This is a big responsibility, but also new opportunities, including in increasing the flow of foreign tourists. Now the main task is the improvement of the petroglyph zone itself, the development of infrastructure – the construction of a hotel, a cafe, the modernization of a pedestrian bridge across the canal. Interest in the Belomorsky District is also growing on the part of business, which means that new investment projects will appear,” Head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov emphasized.

In 2021-2022, it is planned to improve the hiking trail to the petroglyphs here. Bridges will be repaired, lighting will be provided, places for rest and parking will be equipped. Municipal contracts are being signed for power supply in the archaeological complex and landscaping of the territory of the Zalavruga tract within the boundaries of the White Sea Petroglyphs complex, including the installation of wooden sidewalks, decking and bridges, mechanical fences, benches. It is planned to create a visitor center with a hotel for 40 rooms and a restaurant for 150 seats at the turnaround area.

Expert Comment:
Most of Karelia was under Nazi occupation from 1941 until the summer of 1944. Immediately after the expulsion of the invaders, engineering troops of the USSR were sent here to quickly clear the territories and objects of the national economy. The vast majority of minefields and unexploded ordnance were completely cleared by 1946. However, even in the post-Soviet period, dangerous finds in the form of aerial bombs, artillery shells, mines and hand grenades left in the ground were not uncommon in the Karelian forests.

Professional help
Specialists of the Center for Humanitarian Demining and Special Works carry out inspection and cleaning of territories for various purposes from explosive objects. We work on a contractual and tender basis. If you need a professional solution to such problems, please read specifics of their implementation and prices.

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